After the recent general election, you might be thinking more about the issues that matter to you.

At Christians Against Poverty (CAP), we believe that tackling UK poverty should be on everybody’s priority list. Here are six reasons why.

One in five of us lives in poverty

According to the Joseph Rowntree Foundation, an organisation that researches issues like poverty, 14.4 million people in the UK live in poverty*.

That’s one in every five of us. This is an issue that’s much bigger, and much closer, than you might realise.

It impacts our health

The negative effect of severe financial difficulty on a person’s physical and mental health directly impacts other public services, such as the NHS and mental health support.

Three quarters of those who sought debt help from CAP told us their financial situation affected their health in some way.

For some, it worsened an existing condition, while it caused new health problems for others.

Millions are going without essentials

Every person should have access to the basic essentials they need to survive, such as food and a warm home, but millions in the UK are skipping meals or going without heating and electricity because of costs. Amongst these are adults, children and pensioners.

People are borrowing to afford essentials

Besides the ethical issue, the reality that so many people are going without basic essentials has a wide-scale impact.

At CAP, we’ve seen an increase in people who have fallen into debt after borrowing money to cover vital household bills.

The more households that are in unmanageable debt, the greater the impact on the economy, making problems like recessions more likely and more severe.

Our future is at risk

Of the millions living in poverty in the UK, more than four million are children.

We know that financial difficulty affects all aspects of childhood, including schoolwork and friendships.

With so many children at risk of falling behind in life, there will be an inevitable impact on the future of our society.

Ending UK poverty will take all of us

With the new administration at Stormont, it’s crucial that those leading our country treat tackling poverty as a high priority on their agenda.

You can help by respectfully challenging and reminding those representing us in the local area both at a regional and national level.

Don’t be afraid to ask them for their thoughts on UK poverty and how they plan to address the issue.

You can also join CAP’s campaigning community at to receive regular updates on how you can take part in the fight against poverty.

If you’re amongst the millions struggling with debt and poverty, be reassured that help is available.

Visit to find free support in your local area, or visit for online information.

* Joseph Rowntree Foundation, UK poverty 2024: The essential guide to understanding poverty in the UK.