The Royal Black Institution will host its annual demonstration in Lisnaskea on August 3.

Approximately 30 preceptories, along with accompanying bands, will pay tribute to the Battle of Newtownbutler, 1689.

Sir Knights from local districts will be joined by visiting members from the border counties of Cavan and Monaghan, as well as preceptories from Tyrone and Antrim.

Among participants will be the Institution’s Most Wor Sovereign Grand Master Rev. William Anderson and County Fermanagh Grand Master Rt Wor Sir Neville McElwaine, plus other notable Loyal Order members.

A letter from host preceptory, RBP No 183 assures local businesses and community groups that town disruption will be minimal, with diversions in place from 11am until 5pm.

The letter from RBP No 183 said: "It is important that we express our respect for the views of those who do not wish to participate in this celebration of the culture which we are a part of, whilst at the same time offering the hand of fellowship to the extended community as a whole."

On the day attendees will gather at Manderwood Park before moving for the parade at 12pm.

The route will pass through Lisnaskea to the demonstration field at Cushwash on Newtownbutler Road, opposite the Spar, where a religious service will commence at 2.15pm.

All attendees have been urged to use town car parks and cooperate with Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI) and Marshals to ensure the day proceeds smoothly.