AN IRATE man who was caught driving on defective tyres told police; "take me to court, I don't care."

Sean Duffy (37) of Drumbawn Close, Enniskillen, was sentenced at Enniskillen Magistrate's Court on Monday, July 29. 

He was facing charges of driving with a defective tyres after being caught by police in Omagh earlier this year.

He was also sentenced for bearing an improper registration mark on his vehicle and not having the full view of the road on the same date. 

A prosecutor told the court how on April 26, police stopped Duffy on the Mountjoy Road, Omagh, at around 11.30pm. 

His vehicle was inspected, and it was discovered that two front tyres had been "stretched" onto the rim, which were "too narrow".

Police told Duffy that his tyres were unsafe and defective. 

At this point Duffy became "irate",  stating: "Just f**cking ticket me then!"

Becoming "increasingly irate", Duffy then said: "I'm not waiting. Take me to court, I don't care!"

Defence Barrister, Alan Blackburn, said that Duffy "didn't help himself" with his behaviour.

The Barrister added that stretching tyres was becoming a "bit of a trend", but Duffy  admitted that the offence was "stupid and wrong".

"He has a significant record, but most are not relevant to this incident," Mr. Blackburn added. 

Outlining Duffy's personal circumstances, Mr. Blackburn said: "He is 37-years-old and is on Job Seeker's Allowance. He lives with his parents, and pays £50 a week in keep."

District Judge, Alana McSorley, imposed three penalty points and fines totalling £225.