Councillors have accused new Health Minister Mike Nesbitt of "snubbing" them after he failed to meet with them during his visit to Fermanagh last week.

This comes despite  Fermanagh and Omagh District Council's "repeated and persistent requests" for a meeting with him and his predecessor.

During a meeting last week, some councillors described the Minister's lack of engagement during the visit, which was not open to the media either, as "rude, disrespectful, and a blatant slap in the face".

In contrast, the Minister’s Ulster Unionist colleagues have attempted to justify his absence, citing time constraints and a busy schedule.

Sinn Féin’s Councillor Noleen Hayes noted there has still been no response to enquiries she has been raising for months, describing it as a "running pattern with two consecutive Health Ministers now".

"Fermanagh and Omagh district are bottom of the pile when it comes to their priorities. We’ve been consistently asking for both Ministers to meet us regarding the status of the women’s health centre, GP elective services, and Lisnaskea Health Centre."

Councillor Sheamus Greene,  from Sinn Féin, criticised the lack of engagement and said the Council "deserves a bit more respect".

“It’s been four or five months since we first asked for a meeting, and the fact he was in the county but we never even got 15 minutes with him sums it up. We are elected representatives who bring the issues from the people, and for the Minister to completely ignore us is shameful."

Ulster Unionist Councillor Diana Armstrong defended the Minister’s schedule, saying he "had a packed day and many of the engagements" which were arranged before he had the invitation from the Council.

“He rounded off his trip with a visit to SWAH and then a meeting with SOAS (Save Our Acute Services), finishing his day around 5pm. I’m hoping he will respond to the latest correspondence which the Council has issued.”

Councillor Adam Gannon from the SDLP found the situation “incredibly disappointing" and noted: “It wouldn’t have been too hard for him to come for an hour".

"Health Ministers ignoring us on multiple issues is becoming a bit of a trend, unfortunately. There hasn’t even been an attempt to get a date, and you have to question if it’s an attempt to avoid difficult questions and accountability.”

Councillor Victor Warrington, also from the Ulster Unionist Party, described some of the comments as “petty.” He added that he had met with the Minister on the morning of his visit, as had other councillors throughout the day."

“I’m not defending him, but he has a very busy portfolio, and I’m sure he’s not ignoring this area. Hopefully, another letter will motivate him to meet us sooner rather than later," he said. 

Sinn Féin’s Councillor Debbie Coyle said it is "very annoying that the Minister hasn’t even said when he’ll meet us".

"He’s ignored us, and that’s rude and disrespectful,” she said.

Alliance Councillor Eddie Roofe acknowledged the Minister’s busy schedule but pointed out: “He had five months to plan his trip to Enniskillen, and he could well have built it to tick all the boxes".

"We should be getting some form of response for a meeting, and this was the perfect opportunity. It’s a real slap in the face for this Council.”

The proposal to contact the Minister again for a meeting passed unanimously.