A TYRONE man has been returned for trial on multiple historical sexual allegations against a child.

Appearing for a committal hearing was Eugene McAroe (63) from Glen Road, Drumquin who faces a total of 17 offences comprising seven counts of indecent assault, six of sexual assault and two counts each of gross indecency and exposure.

Offending is alleged to have occurred over various dates between August 1990 and December 2011.

No details surrounding the circumstances of the allegations were disclosed during the short hearing before Omagh Magistrates Court.

A prosecuting lawyer said there is a case to answer which was agreed by Deputy District Judge Peter Prenter.

McAroe spoke only to confirm his identity and that he understood the charges against him.

He declined to call witnesses or give evidence on his own behalf at this stage in proceedings.

Judge Prenter set bail at £500 and ordered McAroe to appear for arraignment at Dungannon Crown Court on September 19.