The Teemore Women’s Group has had a busy spring and summer season and despite the inclement Summer weather, the enthusiasm and interest of its members has not been dampened.

The group have engaged in several interesting and educational visits recently.

Members were highly impressed with the newly opened Phase 2 of the Ulster Canal on their recent visit to Clones. Deirdre Donnelly and Nuala O'Reilly accompanied members on a walk.

The members were treated to a talk relating to the canal's history and outlining the stages of restoration and the technology used to complete the project.

The Blake Family Archive Exhibition at Enniskillen Castle was another interesting visit for the group. Bernie Blake facilitated members which resulted in a greater concept of the timeline involved in the evolution of the family businesses.

She gave a detailed history while referring to the photographs and written accounts of people who featured in the formation and running of the businesses through the years.

Other visits included a trip to the Shed Distillery in Drumshambo, Leitrim.

The chairwoman of the group and group leader, Mary Burke described why the group is so important to those who attend. On average, there can be 35-40 members attending events.

Mary said: “Members enjoy the social aspect of it, they also enjoy comradeship and belonging to a group.

“There is support in times of stress or bereavement, the group is always there to give support.

"People who previous to this before joining our group might have just spoken casually in the shop, since they have started the group, they are doing things together, going places together, there are new friendships formed and it’s amazing.

“It doesn't matter whether you held a high-profile job or whether you held an ordinary run-of-the-mill job. It doesn't make any difference, because people find something in common.”

The group have a busy agenda and for the remainder of the summer with Friday morning walks set to continue as well as a variety of other activities including beach walks, visits to heritage sites and gardens.