IT  has emerged there are over 100 alleged victims worldwide in the case of a prolific sex-offender who allegedly posed as a female escort to extort funds from victims.

Scott Toothill (35) from Gledarragh Park, Ederney is charged with inciting prostitution, fraud by posing as a female and offering sexual services, blackmail, and concealing criminal property between August 2021 and November 2022.

A detective constable previously explained Toothill is a registered sex-offender and subject to indefinite registration and a Sexual Offences Prevention Order (SOPO) due to previous behaviour which began in 2012 when he incited a child to engage in sexual activity and attempted to facilitate child prostitution.

In November 2022 police commenced an investigation after he was found with an unapproved mobile phone and five SIM cards.

Analysis revealed he had posed as a female escort on various social media platforms using at least 12 different names.

Over 700,000 pieces of data from his phone and bank account were examined which demonstrate, “The sheer volume and scale of offending.”

Toothill would allegedly pretend to be a female escort and arrange payment for sexual services.

 Some victims were blackmailed with exposure if they didn’t pay him.

Toothill has also allegedly engaged with several females whom he tried to involve in prostitution.

Two are females whose images and personal details were used by Toothill to set up fake accounts on escort websites, “Causing great distress due to the amount of sexual requests received,”

There are also four male victims of Toothill posing as a female escort advertising sexual services and obtaining payment, however no meeting ever took place.

The detective said: “Analysis shows approximately £171,000 entering and leaving the defendant’s bank account, all believed to be from fraud and blackmail. He has employed the use of two co-accused to collect money on his behalf who take a small cut but the majority is very swiftly transferred to the defendant.”

Strongly objecting to bail the detective set out Toothill’s 34 previous convictions of which 33 are of high relevance, with, “A repeated pattern of offending for around 15 years which has gradually grown more prolific.”

 In 2009 he posed as a female and arranged to meet a male for oral sex, however the victim was struck on the head with a hammer and robbed.

 In 2011 he claimed to work in a model agency and attempted to engage four teenage females in pornographic photoshoots. In 2017 he was convicted of breaching his SOPO, controlling and inciting prostitution and fraud.

“The current offending is an exact repeat, and the list of injured parties is growing constantly,” said the detective. “He cannot control his compulsive behaviour. He has concealed multiple mobile devices and SIM cards on numerous occasions. At the time of this offending, he was subject to the highest category of sex-offender management but was able to commit these offences regardless.”

Toothill is also on bail for the alleged rape of a sex-worker who agreed to travel to Northern Ireland to meet him “Under false pretences and was subject to certain sexual acts over a number of days which she did not consent to.”

Bail was refused and Toothill has remained in custody ever since.

At the most recent sitting of Enniskillen Magistrates Court a prosecuting lawyer said:“There are in excess of 100 victims worldwide to date and a further update is expected from police imminently.”

District Judge Alana McSorley listed the case for mention again on August 19.