Judges, Chief Stewards and special guests of Clogher Valley Show attended a reception on Tuesday evening to mark the opening of the Tirlan Food Hall, now a regular feature in the annual Show.

The official opening was performed by Mr Jim Harrison, National Secretary of the Irish Shows Association, who said he had been visiting the Clogher Valley Show for many years and had high regard for it and especially the people helping to organise it such as Secretary, Ruth Montgomery and Chairman, Nicholas Lowry.

He explained that the Irish Shows Association, of which Clogher Valley Show is an affiliated member, is an umbrella organisation for around 130 agricultural shows across the island of Ireland.

He recognised the difficulty for funding of shows especially in Northern Ireland but he said they were all indebted to their local councils and business people for backing the annual shows.

Jim, while from a farming family, had not been involved in the show culture in Castleblayney until he married his wife, Beth. Since then he became part of the show committee and was Show Chairman until taking up his present post with the ISA.

He said the people in many spheres of show organisation such as judges, stewards and helps, trade stand and exhibitors were all valuable to the success of rural shows.

Officially opening the Tirlan Food Hall, Jim Harrison said the 'Field to Fork' theme was extremely important where shows can connect the livestock exhibitors to the end product bought by consumers.

Show Chairman, Mr. Nicholas Lowry said it was the 25th year of the Food Hall and had now become an integral part of the annual Show. He paid tribute to the support of Mid Ulster Council and Chairman, Councillor Eugene McConnell, who was present. He also paid tribute to the large team of people ably led by Secretary, Ruth Montgomery, for their tireless work.

He also referred to the Show’s nominated charity, A.C.E.(Augher, Clogher, Eskra First Responders) and asked people for their support for it.

Councillor McConnell said the Clogher Valley was the jewel in the crown of the county of Tyrone and he praised the phenomenal efforts of everyone involved to make the Show a success.

Representing Tirlan was Mr. Gordon Grey, Technical Director, who said the company under their previous name of Glanbia, had sponsored the Food Hall for many years.

Tirlan is Ireland’s biggest milk processor with milk supplies totalling 3.2bn litres in 2023 with around 130m litres from farms in Northern Ireland and mostly in Fermanagh and Tyrone.

Following the official opening, a barbecue meal was served by Lorraine Allen from the Clogher Mart canteen.

Among the guests attending was the Show patron, Viscount Brookeborough and Lady Brookeborough with Mr. John Henning, President of the RUAS attending along with his wife, Ann.