ALMOST 10 per cent of local premises have not been inspected in the last year, it has been revealed. 

According to Fermanagh and Omagh District Council, a total of 165 food premises in the district have inspections which have been outstanding for over 12-months. 

This represents 9.74 per cent of the 1,694 registered premises across the Fermanagh and Omagh. 

However, the Council, which carries out inspections in conjunction with the Food Standards Agency (FSA) said these premises are deemed "low risk".

"These premises are all deemed to be low risk premises such as pharmacists and church halls," a spokeswoman said.

"The minimum frequency for inspection for these low-risk premises is every three years, in accordance with Food Standards Agency, Food Law Code of Practice."

The spokeswoman added: "There are no outstanding inspections in last 12 months, for premises deemed to be high risk, as defined in the Food Standard Agency's Food Law Code of Practice."

Data also revealed that since 2022, 421 premises in Fermanagh and Omagh have received a food hygiene inspection. Only 52 inspections were carried prior to 2022.

The Council also revealed that around 98.17 per cent of local premises are "broadly compliant" with food hygiene standards.

"(The Council) are committed to ensuring high standards of food hygiene within food premises in the Fermanagh and Omagh District Council area with 98.17 per cent of premises (where applicable) deemed broadly compliant, receiving a Food Hygiene Rating of '3' or above."