There was intense competition at Clogher Valley Show in the livestock judging rings last week with the hosting of the Northern Ireland Aberdeen Angus Championship and the Northern Ireland Charolais National Championships.

There was a large entry in each of these as well as in the other sections for pedigree stock.

The Aberdeen Angus Championship went to Adrian and Graeme Parke’s cow born before 2022, ‘HW Madame Pride’, and the Charolais championship went to Thomas Devine.

Some of the other breed championships came to local herds; the Coloured Dairy Champion went to Alan Irwin from Clogher Valley, and the Limousin championship went to Stephen Crawford of Maguiresbridge.

The results were as follows.




Calf born in 2024 – 1, Slatabogie Holsteins; 2, Tnt Farms; 3, Jason Booth.

Heifer born before December, 2023 – 1 and 3, Slatabogie Holsteins; 2, Sam Maxwell.

Heifer born before June, 2023 – 1, Trevor Keatley; 2, Seamus Gunn; 3, James Morton.

Heifer born in 2022 – 1, Slatabogie Holsteins; 2, Tnt Farms; 3 (tie), Derek McNeely and Trevor Keatley.

Heifer in milk – 1, Slatabogie Holsteins; 2, James Morton; 3, Sam Maxwell.

Cow in milk – 1 and 2, Jason Booth; 3, Slatabogie Holsteins.

Champion Holstein – Jason Booth; Reserve champion – Jason Booth.

Coloured Dairy Cattle

Heifer born in 2023 – 1, Stewart and Nyree Baxter; 2, Rebecca McBratney; 3, Alan Irwin.

Heifer born in 2022 not in milk – 1, Alan Irwin.

Heifer in milk – 1, Alan McNeely; 2, Alan Irwin;3, Amy McNeely.

Cow in milk – 1 and 2, Alan Irwin; 3, Alan McNeely.

Champion – Alan Irwin; Reserve Champion – Alan McNeely.

Dairy Championships – NI Maiden Dairy Heifer – 1 and 3, Slatabogie Holsteins; 2, Leanne Paul.

Best pair of dairy heifers – 1, Leanne Paul; 2, Stewart and Nyree Baxter; 3, Seamus Gunn.

Fane Valley £1,500 Dairy Cow championship – 1 and 2, Jason Booth.

Overall Dairy Champion animal – Champion and Reserve – Jason Booth.


NI Aberdeen Angus Summer Championship

Bull born before 2023 – 1, James Porter; 2, Alan Morrison.

Bull born between January and June, 2023 – 1, Kevin McOscar; 2, Adrian and Graeme Parke; 3, Graeme Donaghy.

Bull born between July, 2023 and December, 2023 – 1, William Dodd; 2, Adrian and Graeme Parke.

Bull calf – 1, Adrian and Graeme Parke; 2 and 3, James Porter.

Cow in calf or milk – 1, Adrian and Graeme Parke; 2, James Porter; 3, Ivan Forsythe.

Junior cow – 1, James McCullough.

Heifer born between January and June, 2023 – 1, James Porter; 2, James McCullough; 3, Alan Morrison.

Heifer born between July and December, 2023 – 1, William Dodd; 2, Alan Morrison.

Heifer born after January, 2024 – 1, James McCullough; 2, Lewis Dodd; 3, Rachel Elliott.

Best animal bred by exhibitor – 1 and 3, James Porter; 2, William Dodd.

Pair – 1, James Porter; 2, Alan Morrison.

Junior Male Champion – Graeme Parke; Reserve – William Dodd.

Junior Female Champion – James Porter; Reserve – James McCullough.

Senior Male Champion – Kevin McOscar; Adrian and Graeme Parke.

Senior Female Champion – Adrian and Graeme Parke; Reserve – James McCullough.

Overall Champion – Adrian and Graeme Parke; Reserve – Kevin McOscar.

NI Charolais National Championship

Female born in 2024 – 1, Harry Heron; 2, W.D. and J.A. Connolly; 3, Watson family.

Female born between September and December, 2023 – 1, Malachy Connolly; 2, Andrew Dunne.

Female born between May and August, 2023 – 1, Thomas Devine.

Female born between January and April, 2023 – 1, W.D. and J.A. Connolly; 2, Harry Heron; 3, David Rea.

Female born between July and December, 2022 – 1 and 2, Harry Heron.

Female born between January and June, 2022 – 1, Thomas Devine; 2, W.D. and J.A. Connolly; 3, David Rea.

Female born before December, 2021 – 1 and 2, W.D. and J.A. Connolly; 3, Harry Heron.

Bull born in 2024 – 1 and 2, 3, Trevor Phair.

Bull born between October and December, 2023 – 1 and 3, Trevor Phair; 2, A., O. and E. Quigley.

Bull born between May and July, 2023 – 1, W. D. and J. A. Connolly; 2, George Nelson; 3, Mervyn McKeown.

Bull born between January and April, 2023 – 1, W. D. and J. A. Connolly.

Pairs – 1 and 2, W. D. and J. A. Connolly; 3, Harry Heron.

Junior Female Champion – Malachy Connolly; Reserve – Andrew Dunne.

Intermediate Female Champion – W. D. and J. A. Connolly; Reserve – Thomas Devine.

Senior Female Champion – Thomas Devine; Reserve – W. D. and J. A. Connolly.

Junior Male Champion – Trevor Phair; Reserve – Trevor Phair.

Intermediate Male Champion – W. D. and J. A. Connolly; Reserve – W. D. and J. A. Connolly.

Supreme Champion – Thomas Devine; Reserve – W. D. and J. A. Connolly.


Cow – 1, Tracey Morton; 2, Ciara Fitzpatrick.

Heifer born in 2022 – 1, Ciara Fitzpatrick; 2, Ryan and Russell Kelly; 3, Alan Shaw.

Heifer born in 2023 – 1, Alan Shaw; 2, John Taggart; 3, Nathaniel Shaw.

Heifer calf born in 2024 – 1 Tracey Morton.

Bull born in 2022 – 1, Stuart Pogue; 2, Alan Shaw.

Bull born in 2023 – 1, John Taggart; 2, Alan Shaw; 3, Tracey Morton.

Bull calf – 1, Ciara Fitzpatrick.

Pair – 1, Ryan and Russell Kelly; 2, Alan Shaw; 3, John Taggart.

Champion – Stuart Pogue; Reserve – Ciara Fitzpatrick.


Cow – 1, Stephen Crawford.

Heifer born in 2022 – 1 and 2, Stephen Crawford; 3, Julie-Anne Cairns.

Heifer born in 2023 – 1, Stephen Crawford.

Senior bull born in 2023 – 1, Stephen Crawford.

Junior bull born in 2023 – 1, Alan Veitch; 2, Ian Robb; 3, Heather Rainey.

Bull or heifer calf born in 2024 – 1, Charlie Beverland; 2, Stephen Crawford; 3, D. and J. Bell.

Champion Limousin – Stephen Crawford; Reserve – Alan Veitch.

British Blonde

Heifer born in 2022 – 1, Molly Bradley; 2, Owen Farrell; 3, Odhran O’Neill.

Heifer born in 2023 – 1, Colin McKnight; 2, Roger Johnston; 3, David Gibson.

Bull born in 2023 – 1, David Gibson; 2, Owen Farrell; 3, Gerard McClelland.

Cow – 1, David Gibson; 2, Dominic Dorman; 3, Gerard McClelland.

Bull or heifer born in 2024 – 1, Roger Johnston; 2, Dominic Dorman; 3, Roger Johnston.

Pair – 1, Roger Johnston; 2, Gerard McClelland; 3, David Gibson.

Northwick House Blonde Calf Championship – 1, Colin McKnight; 2, David Gibson.

Champion Blonde – Molly Bradley; Reserve – Colin McKnight.

Young handler under 14 – 1, Caitlin McGartland; 2 (tie), Seanan McGartland and Noah McKnight.

Traditional, rare and minority breeds

Calf under one year – 1, Tracy Smyth.

Bull over one year – Arnold Pearson.

Heifer – 1, Tracy Smyth.

Champion – Arnold Pearson; Reserve – Tracy Smyth.


Cow or heifer born in 2021 – 1, Ryan Lavery; 2, Ryan Lavery; 3, Willeen Montgomery.

Heifer – 1, David Lester; 2, Gillian McAreavey; 3, Willeen Montgomery.

Bull – 1 and 3, Matthew Bloomer; 2, Ryan Lavery.

Bull or heifer calf – 1, Matthew Bloomer; 2, Ryan Lavery; 3, David Lester.

Pairs – 1, Gillian McAreavey; 2, Willeen Montgomery; 3, David Lester.

Champion – Matthew Bloomer; Reserve – Ryan Lavery.

Young handlers under 12 – 1, Aoife Kernan; 2, David Lester; 3, Jack Wilson.

Young handlers, 12 – 18 years – 1, Aimee McCann; 2, Peter McAreavey.

Beef young Handlers

Junior handlers aged 8-12 years – 1, David Lester; 2, Adrian and Graeme Park; 3, D. and J. Bell.

Senior handlers 12-16 years – Richard and Rhys Rogers; 2, Maisy Lee; 3, Caitlin Kernan.

Cattle championships

Champion – Gormley Brothers; Reserve – Stephen Crawford; Second Reserve – Charlie Beverland.

Clogher Valley Credit Union Beef Pairs Championship – 1, Cochrane Family; 2, Stephen Crawford; 3, Robert Simpson.

Clogher Valley Credit Union Young Beef Heifer Championship – 1, W. D. and J. A. Connolly; 2, Cochrane Family; 2, Pearse O’Kane.