Nearly £8,000 was raised by Cancer Focus Northern Ireland’s new Enniskillen fundraising group during a recent event.

The fundraising group along with the Palliative Transport Service Fermanagh generated a total of £7,400 via the Killyreagh Garden Fete event hosted by Lord and Lady Anthony Hamilton on May 12.

The event saw a large turnout, attracting many from the local community for a day filled with live music, flower arrangements, face painting, and health checks by Cancer Focus NI's Keeping Well Van.

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The charity announced last year its plan to open five Cancer Support Centres in towns and cities across Northern Ireland.

The first centre will open in early 2025, with the organisation relying on businesses and members of the community to fund 90 percent of their work.

Ita McManus, chairperson of PTS (Fermanagh), said: "We are so pleased to be in Partnership with Cancer Focus NI's big new initiative in Enniskillen and we look forward working together as their project develops in the future.

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Denise Ferguson, chairperson of the Cancer Focus NI Enniskillen Fundraising Group, said: “We had a very enjoyable fundraising day in the beautiful Killyreagh Gardens.

"Our sincere thanks to Lord and Lady Hamilton for this privilege and experience working in partnership with Palliative Transport Service.

"We look forward to many more events where we can work together for the benefit of helping and supporting all those affected by Cancer in this local area.”

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Krystle Corrigan, Fermanagh community fundraising officer at Cancer Focus NI, said: “In the weeks that followed, the garden fete continued to generate donations and so our final count in recent weeks has totalled £7,400.

"The shocking reality is that 1 in 2 people will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime in Northern Ireland, and the money raised will go a long way in supporting local people in the Fermanagh area who are dealing with the devastating reality of a cancer diagnosis."