A DOG behaviourist has said XL Bullies are "ticking time bombs" that need to be muzzled and kept on a lead in public. 

Sharon West, who specialises in dog training and behaviour,  says that while the breed can be loveable, they can also "turn on the flip of a lid" to cause serious injury or even death. 

This is, she claimed, due to years of inbreeding that has dangerously impacted the neurological makeup of XL Bullies, meaning even seemingly placid dogs could turn violent without warning.

"I do feel they should be banned," Mrs. West said. "They should all have to wear muzzles, and they shouldn't be allowed off leads in public.

"My opinion is controversial. People will say that their XL Bully is lovely, and 'wouldn't harm a fly.' But that's what other people were saying before their dog attacked someone.

"They can be really lovely dogs - but at any point, they can change," she warned.

Mrs. West, who has trained XL Bullies, feels that the physical size of the dogs also makes the breed dangerous. 

"An XL Bully is one of those dogs that's simply too powerful as a common pet," she said.

"Yes, any dog can flip, but if a Chihuahua was to bite you, you would get hurt, but you could get them off. 

"But an eight-stone XL-Bully on top of you? You have no chance.

"Not even the strongest person has a chance. That's why they are so dangerous."

New rules in Northern Ireland mean XL Bullies must be muzzled and on a lead in public, while owners must get an exemption certificate. Breeding and selling will also be banned. 

Mrs. West says she fully supports these new measures, which have also been introduced in the rest of the United Kingdom. 

"What is being brought in is 100 per cent the right thing," Mrs. West continued. "However, I don't like the fact if owners don't want to abide by the rules, then the dog is euthanised. I don't think that's right. 

"But, I do think that for people's protection, if you have a dog that's going to go funny, it needs to be muzzled when out, and it should be on a lead. 

"The legislation means that the people that aren't responsible are having to take some level of responsibility for their dogs."

Mrs. West admitted that she does "feel sorry" for XL Bullies, especially dogs that may have to be put down due to legislation.

These dogs, she feels, will "pay the price" for human error,  greed, and the pursuit of XL Bullies as "status symbols".

"Unfortunately, it's very much a human problem with XL Bullies. The problems have arisen because of people trying to make money on the breed, and doing anything they can to get that perfect XL Bully form, which can command thousands of pounds.

"The original dog, Kimbo, was classed as the perfect form, but he has been studded out to his own daughter, his mother, his auntie. 

"The breed has been inbred and inbred, to the point where it isn't safe.

"Sadly, it's all down to money. Without breeding for money, a breed wouldn't end up like this."

She added: "Truthfully, I don't think the XL Bully breed should exist at all."