A Sinn Féin MLA has called for clarity from the Health Minister regarding the Department of Health’s plans to restore emergency general surgery at the South West Acute Hospital (SWAH).

Health Minister Mike Nesbitt recently confirmed to Fermanagh South Tyrone MLA Áine Murphy that the Western Health and Social Care Trust (Western Trust) is moving towards recruiting 11 whole-time equivalent general surgeons, and the consultant surgeons that have been recruited, to date, have been appointed to "Trust-wide contracts".

The six consultants recruited so far will undertake sessions in the Elective Overnight Stay Centre in the SWAH, in Omagh Hospital and Primary Care Complex theatres, and Altnagelvin Area Hospital.

Miss Murphy is now seeking further clarity, and has asked if the move toward their recruitment will form part of a wider plan to reinstate emergency general surgery to the SWAH.

She said: “The Department of Health (DoH) and the Western Trust must urgently provide a clear, detailed and time-framed plan for recruitment and retention of consultant surgeons in the SWAH, and they must lay out a road map for the return of emergency general surgery [there] as soon as possible.

“To date, the Western Trust and the DoH have failed to provide a plan for reinstatement of these services. This needs to happen urgently.”

Miss Murphy concluded: “Sinn Féin has been consistent in our support for the reinstatement of emergency general surgery to the hospital, and we will continue to work with the Minister and the other parties to ensure patients can access first-class health services at the SWAH.”