A KINAWLEY farmer and former BBC star has described the theft of a tractor and baler from his yard as "very annoying". 

Derek Thornton, who starred in the BBC series 'Derek's Dreaming Again', discovered that the vintage baling outfit had been stolen from his farm on the Stragowna Road, Kinawley, on Tuesday morning. 

Police are currently appealing for information following the theft, which saw thieves making off with a International 856 tractor and a New Holland 274 baler. 

"It was a grand wee tractor, not the biggest, not the prettiest, but a very good tractor," said Mr. Thornton. 

"It's very annoying, now. Surely, there was no-one run over or anything like that, and it could have been worse.

"But, what I can't work out is this; there was plenty else in the yard, modern stuff like a Manitou and a road brush, yet they went for the old-fashioned tractor and baler?"

Mr. Thornton added: "It's not a tractor worth £80,000, so if she doesn't turn up, all I can say is she was stolen to order."

Mr. Thornton said that he initially didn't notice the tractor had been stolen, and at first assumed it had been borrowed by his brother or a neighbour. 

"I don't live on the yard, so I went down in the morning to feed the calves," he continued. "I noticed the gate was open, but I passed no remarks. 

"Then, my grandson, Oliver, goes 'Granda, the tractors gone'. My first response was 'awk, your aul head'." 

"But, surely to goodness, it was away. I phoned my brother, as he would bale the odd bale. We made enquiries around everyone, and we have gone to get different CCTV."

Mr. Thornton added that this is the second time he has had machinery stolen, albeit the last incident was 15-years-ago. 

"I had a stone cart stolen about 15-years-ago, so this whole thing has been a bit of a shock", he said.

"I am like other farmers. We're not careless, but we can't lock everything up either. 

"My opinion is, if a thief wants to break in, they will break in.

"That's all I can tell you about it", he concluded. 

Police have urged anyone with information on the tractor theft to get in touch. 

A PSNI spokeswoman said: "It is believed that sometime between 8pm on Monday, August 19, and 8am on Tuesday, August 20, a red International 856 tractor and blue New Holland 274 baler had been taken from a yard in the Stragowna Road area.

"Enquiries are ongoing and anyone with any information that could assist with the investigation is asked to contact police on 101 quoting reference 336 of 20/08/24."