Fermanagh has been praised for its "wonderful tourism offering" by the chief executive officer of Tourism Northern Ireland. 

John McGrillen was on a tour of the county to meet with businesses in the tourism and hospitality sector.

He wanted to hear their views on how the sector has been performing this year.

He visited several businesses including Finn Lough, Erne Water Taxi, and Lusty Beg Island Resort and Spa.

(Image: Tourism NI)

During his visits, Mr. McGrillen was able to meet face-to-face with members of the trade and bring them up to speed on the support currently on offer from Tourism NI.

This is to help businesses recruit and retain staff, reduce costs, improve their competitiveness, and become more sustainable.

Mr. McGrillen said: "We have a wonderful tourism offering here in Fermanagh.

(Image: Tourism NI)

"It has got an incredible unspoilt natural landscape with an equally magnificent built heritage.

"The rich and diverse range of brilliant accommodation, restaurants, attractions and experiences on offer is the reason why Fermanagh continues to attract visitors from near and far.

"The tourism industry is critical to the future success of the local economy and it is important that we support it as best we can."