The Lough Erne Landscape Partnership (LELP) will come to a close in December as financial support ends.

The LELP was created in 2018 and funded as a five-year programme by the National Lottery Heritage Fund to deliver strategic and community-based activities and projects to ensure Lough Erne’s built, natural, and cultural heritage is protected, enhanced, and cherished.

The Covid pandemic brought an 18-month extension to their funding.

The prospect of continuing LELP in its current form or creating a new independent body was considered.

However, without a sustainable funding model, this was deemed unviable.

(Image: Lough Erne Landscape Partnership)

The partners are committed to working together on project opportunities around emerging heritage themes and building upon LELP's work to protect and enhance the Lough Erne heritage and landscape.

A spokesperson for the Lough Erne Landscape Partnership said: “The Lough Erne Landscape Partnership Board express thanks to the staff for the delivery of such a high-quality community-led programme in the Lough Erne area over these past 6 years, and to the many stakeholders and community members who took part and gave us their support.

"LELP was set up to deliver a range of strategic and community-based activities and projects aimed at ensuring Lough Erne’s unique built, natural and cultural heritage is protected, enhanced and cherished by all."