Heart disease is one of the major causes of death in the United Kingdom and Ireland and Fermanagh has one of the highest incidences of heart disease within Northern Ireland.

This has been the situation for a number of decades.

One of the main symptoms of heart disease is hypertension or raised blood pressure.

Raised blood pressure is exactly as the name suggests – the blood within the blood vessels is being forced to move around the body under too much pressure.

Hypertension – a very common condition – is dangerous, as it immediately increases our risk of heart attack, stroke and death.

Most of us will have family members who take prescribed medication to help regulate their blood pressure.

It is very important to take this daily medication exactly as it has been prescribed for you.

Uncontrolled blood pressure can result in disastrous consequences and often with little or no warning.

Certain illnesses and predisposing factors and indeed, ageing itself, may lead to an elevated blood pressure.

However, it is also contributed to by lifestyle and dietary factors and there is a lot we can all do to protect our blood pressure, irrespective of whether or not we are taking blood pressure medication.

Consuming too much of the wrong type of fatty foods narrows and hardens our arteries.

Too much salt in our diet forces our kidneys to hold on to excess fluid, which results in our circulation gaining too much volume.

Both of these dietary issues will almost invariably result in raised blood pressure.

Carrying too much weight, a lack of physical exercise, and stressful living are further risk factors.

Everyone should consider lifestyle and dietary choices that lead to good heart and circulatory health.

When it comes to diet, the secret is that usual advice that we so often hear and perhaps choose to ignore.

Healthier circulation will be encouraged by a diet low in processed and convenient foods and rich in fresh fruit and vegetables for good antioxidant intake.

In addition, a diet lower in salt and higher in natural fibre, rich in good omega oils but low in heavy animal fat, and low in sugar-loaded foodstuffs, will aid circulation.

Stress is also a major contributing factor in hypertension. Take action if your lifestyle is one of ongoing stress.

Practicing deep breathing techniques daily has been demonstrated to alleviate stress, as has meditation, walking, yoga and regular exercise.

Natural medicine too can play its part in providing a healthier circulation.

Crataegus (Hawthorn) is a plant that has been used for centuries in supporting good heart health.

It is known as a ‘tonic’ for the heart, and its use in North America dates back to 1800.

Crataegus is rich in a group of antioxidants called ‘flavonoids’ which help protect our heart and blood vessels from damage.

This maintains the strength of our heart muscle and the integrity of our blood vessels. Through its antioxidant action, Crataegus improves blood flow from the heart and within our general circulation.

Crataegus also exerts a light blood-thinning action, helping to maintain the viscosity of the blood and preventing it from becoming too thick.

It has also been demonstrated that Crataegus, when used long-term, may help reduce the buildup of plaque deposits within our arteries.

Crataegus is a very useful herb for overall cardiovascular health and its modern day use is mainly in the treatment of hypertension.

Vogel provides Crataegus in the combined formula of ‘Hawthorn and Garlic’. This formula combines Crataegus with garlic, lecithin and Vitamin E.

‘Hawthorn and Garlic’ was originally formulated by the great naturopath, Jan De Vries, in response to the number of people who were visiting him with hypertension.

Garlic is well documented for its benefit on heart health. Like Crataegus, it is antioxidant-rich, so helps protect the heart and blood vessels from damage.

It has also been demonstrated to slightly lower blood pressure. Vitamin E is also a potent antioxidant helping to protect the integrity of our circulatory system.

Lecithin is a fat emulsifier and helps to soften hard fats within our blood stream, keeping them on the move towards the liver for elimination, as opposed to settling on our artery walls.

‘Hawthorn and Garlic’ is safe to take even if you are taking prescribed medication for blood pressure. As a precaution, take the supplement at half the normal daily dose.

If you have suffered a cardiovascular event and are taking a number of cardiovascular medicines, always check that ‘Hawthorn and Garlic’ is suitable for you to take.