Grants of up to £5,000 are available for community groups across Northern Ireland.

Live Here Love Here has announced the return of its Small Grants Scheme for its 10th year.

This year, grants ranging from £500 to £5,000 are up for grabs with applications accepted until September 17.

The grant is available to volunteer groups, community groups, charities, schools, sports clubs, and not-for-profit organisations across Northern Ireland.

Applicants should be embedded in their local community and have a project idea that can benefit the wider community and the environment whilst also creating a positive legacy within the area.

To apply for the scheme, go to

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A 'Connecting Communities' event is slated for September 5 from 2pm to 4pm at the Fermanagh and Omagh District Council's Townhall.

The scheme is run in partnership with nine local councils including Fermanagh and Omagh District Council which saw eight community groups in the area in 2023 receive more than £8,000 through the scheme by Live Here Love Here, now in its 10th year.

It has also partnered with the Northern Ireland Housing Executive and Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful to promote civic pride in communities and aims to improve the environmental quality of shared green spaces for cleaner, safer living.

Orla McGrady, grants officer at Live Here Love Here, said: “Live Here Love Here is a people-powered campaign focused on improving our local environment and building a sense of civic pride in our local communities.

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"Our Small Grants Scheme is an excellent example of this in practice.

“Last year alone, along with the support of local councils and the Housing Executive, we were able to help 89 groups deliver improvements worth £113,760.

"Along with our partners, we look forward to this year’s applications from across the Fermanagh and Omagh District Council area."

Lynda Surgenor, manager at Live Here Love Here, said: “The Small Grants Scheme is a wonderful opportunity for communities given how broad it is in terms of what we can support, and the various levels of funding available.

"It’s been wonderful to see how the Scheme has continued to grow over the last number of years, marked by a whopping 454 applications last year.”