FERMANAGH and Omagh District Council has said that it plans to build on proposals identified in the 2012 Enniskillen Town Centre Masterplan, despite now focusing on a new development plan.  

The Council was asked for an update on the Enniskillen Masterplan following an analysis of the Masterplan document from 2012, which showed that many of the proposals have not happened.

These include the redevelopment of the PSNI station to make way for a hotel, relocating bus centre garages to create room for a leisure facility, and a new shared space at The Buttermarket. 

A Council spokeswoman said that following the launch of the Enniskillen Place Shaping Plan 2035, it now aims to "build on some of the proposals which had been identified in the Enniskillen Masterplan (2012), as well as some additional proposals".

The spokeswoman added: "The Plan focuses on six key themes with associated actions which include some of those identified in the Enniskillen Masterplan, and this can be viewed on the Council's website."

The Council also said that it is working to improve local tourism through the Visitor Experience Development Plan (VEDP), and improving the area via its Community and Corporate plans  

Meanwhile, all six Enniskillen Councillors were asked for their opinion on the Enniskillen Masterplan 2012. 

Each Councillor was asked if they were "disappointed by the lack of progress" made in relation to the Masterplan, and if they felt "more needs to be done" to make the plan a reality. 

Only two Enniskillen Councillors responded; Roy Crawford and Robert Irvine, both of the Ulster Unionist Party (UUP). 

A statement from Councillor Crawford read: "While the plan was adopted, unfortunately, none of its proposals have come to fruition. 

"Over the past 12 years, the region has faced economic challenges, many of which persist today.

"Both my colleague Robert Irvine and I fully understand these challenges. We believe that now is the time to revisit the Enniskillen Master Plan and our Local Development Plan. 

"To ensure the sustainability and transformation of Enniskillen, we are committed to a coordinated, strategic approach that can turn the vision agreed upon in 2012 into a reality.

"We look forward to discussing this further and working together to achieve these goals."

The Department for Communities (DfC) was also approached for comment, but at the time of going to press, no statement had been received.