ONE of the most ambitious proposals within the Enniskillen Town Centre Masterplan 2012 was the redevelopment of Enniskillen Bus Centre. 

It was proposed that the existing bus station garage would be relocated to make way for a commercial leisure and sports facility, while also remodelling Enniskillen bus centre. 

An artist's impression of the bus station shows people enjoying leisure pursuits on canoes, near a timber-clad leisure building with grass roof.

In 2024, this redevelopment has yet to take place. 

The Masterplan said: "Rationalising the bus station and moving the garage facilities to a less central location, a number of benefits might be achieved.

"The bus station would be remodelled while the vacated bus garage site, adjacent to Broadmeadow, would be available for development.

"The Masterplan shows commercial leisure and sports facilities, on the site of the bus garage, perhaps related to water-based sports, but there is flexibility as to an actual end use.

"The re-modelled bus station would include enhanced passenger waiting and transfer facilities, making for a better experience for users and improved safety and circulation for buses."

The bus station and garage site was listed in the plan as a "major opportunity site", along with the PSNI site and Buttermarket. 

The Masterplan also recommended that the public sector, including the old Fermanagh District Council and Department for Social Development, "engage with Translink on potential to relocate garages to out of town location, freeing up waterside site."