RETIRED teacher David Baxter charged with sexually assaulting a child has been removed from his position in the choir at St. Macartin’s Cathedral in Enniskillen, The Impartial Reporter has learned.

It comes as Enniskillen Integrated College, where he was head of music until he left in 2019, has confirmed to this newspaper that it is cooperating with police investigations.

Baxter (65), of Killadeas Road, Lisnarick, is accused of sexually touching a child under the age of 13 on an unknown date between February 1, 2018, and April 30, 2018. Court documents reveal that he is being charged under Article 14 of the Sexual Offences (Northern Ireland) Order 2008. Baxter left Erne Integrated College in 2019.

Baxter has held a prominent position in the Cathedral choir for many years and was seen performing in it during a Sunday morning service last month.

In a statement, a spokesperson for the Clogher Diocese stated: "In accordance with the Church of Ireland's safeguarding policies, the Cathedral authorities have asked a member of the choir to step aside. The individual is the subject of pending court proceedings as reported in the Impartial Reporter last week. To prevent any prejudice to the proceedings, no further statements will be issued by or on behalf of the Cathedral Parish."

Baxter also served as Northern Ireland President of the National Association of Schoolmasters Union of Women Teachers (NASUWT) and was both a founding member and Musical Director of Chamber Choir West. Additionally, Baxter was an occasional columnist with The Impartial Reporter, where he shared his views on educational matters.

In a statement, a spokesperson for Enniskillen Integrated College's Board of Governors said: "The matter of charges against David Baxter is now properly before the court. The Board of Governors of Erne Integrated College confirms that all information and records related to this matter have been provided to the PSNI as part of their investigation.”

It also emerged this week that Baxter has left his role as musical director of Omagh Music Society with a spokesperson telling ‘We Are Tyrone’: “The committee of Omagh Music Society are aware of information in the public domain concerning their musical director, Dr. David Baxter. Dr. Baxter has agreed to step down from his role as musical director until further notice, and alternative arrangements have been put in place.”

“There will be no further comment on the matter.”

As revealed in last week’s  Impartial Reporter, Baxter is scheduled to appear at Enniskillen Magistrates' Court on Monday, September 9.