A CONVICTED sex offender who accepts downloading 2,500 indecent images of children, ranging from babies to teenagers, has been remanded in custody.

William Mullan (42), from Rossorry Park, Enniskillen, is charged with breaking a Sexual Offences Prevention Order (SOPO) by using an alias and having two mobile phones facilitating internet access which were not approved by his Designated Risk Manager.

He was further in possession of, distributed and deleted indecent images of children, and communicated with children on Snapchat.

Offending occurred in October, 2023 but came to police attention in the past few days.

A Detective Constable told Dungannon Magistrates Court the charges could be connected.

He explained Mullan is a Category 1 Registered Sex Offender, and is subject to the SOPO due to previous offending.

On September 3, police were informed he had downloaded an image of a child in the highest classification of seriousness using an email address. Mullan was arrested and handed over his phone.

The court heard he “spoke freely during interview, advising officers he is addicted to child pornography, and since his release from prison purchased two phones, intending to go online for this purpose".

The officer continued: "He created an alias username and set up a Snapchat account, thereafter engaging with children. He admitted sending a video at the request of one of his users.”

The court heard that about six months after purchasing the first phone, Mullan threw it into a lough as “he was disgusted at what was on it, and admitted it contained a lot of bad things”.

However, a short time later, Mullan purchased the second phone and accessed the Telegram app, and through various channels downloaded thousands of indecent images, from babies to teenagers.

He would then delete these as he was “disgusted with himself", but then repeated this around five times, the court heard.

Having been banned from Telegram, Mullan changed his SIM card on two occasions.

Objecting to bail, the detective pointed to Mullan's previous relevant record. He was given a Probation Order in 2008, and six months' custody in 2022.

He added: “The seized phone contains around 2,500 indecent images of children. Several of the SOPO conditions have been breached and admitted.

"If released on bail, the defendant would be very difficult to monitor, as he is unwilling to abide by conditions.”

A defence solicitor urged bail to be granted as the examination of the phone and a seized laptop is likely to take considerable time.

Acknowledging the previous record was concerning, he also said the court could impose very stringent conditions, including a complete ban on internet usage.

However, District Judge Peter Magill suggested any delay may not be overly concerning, even with the case likely to be transferred to Crown Court, as Mullan has cooperated fully and made admissions and disclosures.

Refusing bail, he said: "This is someone who admits he is addicted to child pornography. He will not stop.

"Telling him he is not to have access to the internet will do no good, because he will breach.”

Addressing the court directly, Mullan implored the judge to grant bail, insisting he could seek help as: “I really want to beat this habit. I’ll do courses. I’ll do anything.”

However, Judge Magill replied: “The problem is your history does not fill me with any confidence. I believe you are a risk, and bail is refused.”

Mullan will appear again by videolink at Enniskillen Magistrates Court on September 30.