Not everyone is a fan of Fermanagh Pride, as a group of around 20 protestors sang hymns and held up banners in protest at what they termed “an abomination".

The peaceful demonstration was held at the Diamond and comprised individuals from various born-again Christian groups, both from within the county and further afield.

Earlier, a group of Free Presbyterian protestors sang hymns and listened to sermons from 11am to noon.

When asked why she opposed the Pride parade, Brookeborough mother Holly Parsons told her listeners in a sermon: “You should repent and turn away from your sins, and Jesus is the only one who can get you to Heaven. Trust in Him, and you will be born again.”

When asked again why she was opposed to the event, she said: “This is a very sad day for Fermanagh, and I am from Brookeborough - a very sad day.

“This is sin paraded on our streets and glorified, and this is very clearly against God.

“God does not promote or encourage this in any way, and the Bible has spoken out against it.

“God does not permit it, and it is an abomination in God’s eyes. So why, in the ‘Land of Saints and Scholars’, are we promoting and allowing this in our land?

“And the saddest thing of all is seeing the wee children marching.

“This is an ideology - the whole [Pride] movement is an ideology - and there are mums and dads bringing children to accept this abomination, and that is a very sad day.”

Ms. Parsons said it was very upsetting that Fermanagh and Omagh District Council, various trade unions and local businesses were supporting the march.

“It is a sign of our times, and the fear of God has left our land. But we are here today to love these people.

"They say we don’t love them, but we do love them, we are here giving up our free time to tell them that there is a better way.

“They are lying about the number of people in the parade as well - it was quite small,” she claimed.

Meanwhile, Ross Holmes, organiser of the Outreach of The United Christian Witness, said he opposed the march because it had echoes of Sodom and Gomorrah, two cities “which were destroyed by God for the sin of homosexuality".

“That example of Sodom and Gomorrah has been given out for many years, and we have now turned the corner back to the mentality of those two damned cities.

“We can also see it in the murder of the child in the womb and in the celebration of sin on the streets of Enniskillen.

“It is spreading. We used to have one big Pride parade in Belfast, but now there are many more, with Newry, Londonderry, and Lurgan.

“And it is not new people, but the same people going around different parts of the country. The same trade unions, etc. We are living in a woke world, sadly.”