As the evenings draw in, people’s minds are geared increasingly towards activity to guide them through the winter months and it's no different for the growing adult Irish language community based in Enniskillen under the organizational cover of Sruth na hÉirne(Flow of the Erne).

This is registration week for classes held on Wednesday mornings in Fermanagh House starting on Wednesday, September 18 with the tutor, the affable PJ Fox.

On the button at 10.30am, PJ will call to order a packed room of Irish language enthusiasts and begins a process of talking, listening, some grammar, reading and storytelling of short stories written by class participants themselves.

There is only one house rule operative before and during the hour and a half long session – no spoken English!

The Wednesday morning classes have proven to be a vital social, learning activity particularly for those who travel into Enniskillen from all parts of the county each week.

New to Sruth na hÉirne’s yearly calendar is the start of 'Club Oíge' ( Youth Club) on Friday, September 20 to coincide with the launch of Culture Night.

Aimed at teenagers who are studying Irish, the Friday after schools club has the active support of secondary schools in Enniskillen where the emphasis will be on fun learning through games, trips and at some stage dancing!

In addition, in partnership with Holy Trinity Primary School and its energetic Irish language teacher Brenda Kelly, an after school club for primary aged children will start on Thursday, September 19 at 2.45pm to 3.45pm.

Jim Ledwith, Sruth na hÉirne’s volunteer organizer can be contacted at 07971075955 or

The above programmes are supported by an Tultach fund and Fermanagh and Omagh District Council.