FOR Alison Humphreys, the inspiration to take up the role of Methodist Women in Ireland (MWI) Vice-President came from Philippians 4, verse 13: "I can do all things through him, who strengthens me." 

The Letterbreen woman, who has been a faithful member of Letterbreen Methodist Church and MWI, was initially approached about taking up the role by past MWI Vice-President, Maeve Wilson, and former All-Ireland President, Olive Rowe. 

It was a request that she didn't take lightly, and as such Mrs. Humphreys took time to "consider and pray about it".  

Ultimately, it was that verse in Philippians that fortified her decision to take up the important role. 

"I suppose there was no lightning bolt answer from God to say do it or don't do it," Mrs. Humphreys explained.

"However, when I was reading my Bible the verse Philippians 4, verse 13, 'I can do all things through him, who strengthens me',  really jumped out at me.

"I had read that different times, but this time it resonated with me. A wee while after that, my mum and I were coming back from Dublin Airport.  We stopped in at a café which is now run in an old church. 

"There was the exact same verse painted on the wall. I thought, there's my answer; I can do this job and role."

Mrs. Humprehys was officially installed as Vice-President of the North Western District of MWI at a packed service at Letterbreen Methodist Church on Friday night. 

As one of three Vice-Presidents within the organisation, Mrs. Humphrey's hopes that she will be a positive encourager to MWI groups across the district. 

"The motto of the MWI is 'To know Christ, and to make him known', and my role is to help carry that out," she explained.

"I hope to be an encourager to many ladies' groups across the District. 

"The theme that I have picked is 'exercise your faith', and this is as much a challenge I am setting for myself. I am hoping to grow in my faith, and to use it. I am hoping that I will be able to encourage ladies of all ages to do the same."

Mrs. Humphreys explained the rationale for this theme at Friday night's service. 

"I am now in my mid-50s, and I am in the second stage of my life," she said. 

"I am aware that fitness-wise, I am not as fit as I used to be, and I should have been doing more when I was younger.

"I am realising now the importance of getting fitter, while maintaining what I have. You have to work at it.

"The same goes for faith; you have exercise it, and you have to work at it. It's so important that people set time aside for God, in a devotional or quiet time.

"Obviously, you go to church, Bible study, and MWI, and that's where you are fed and taught. It's one thing to take in all that teaching, and it's another to go and send it out, and put those things into action. 

"Overall, I am hoping to encourage women to be proactive in their faith."

Mrs. Humphreys added that she is both "excited" and "re-energised" to take up the role. 

"I am really looking forward to what the two years have in store," she said.

"I feel it's a turning over a leaf for me. I am re-energised to do it, and I feel that if I am on track and listening to God, everything will be fine. 

"I'm not doing this job for myself, although I am humbled that someone thought I could do it. I am very conscious that I want to be hearing God's voice and direction in this."