AN announcement regarding a new-build Lisnaskea Health Centre is "imminent", Health Minister Mike Nesbitt has confirmed. 

Minister Nesbitt was speaking in an adjournment debate on Tuesday, which was tabled by Sinn Féin MLA Áine Murphy. 

During the debate, Ms. Murphy asked the Minister for an update on the "long-awaited" new-build for the Lisnaskea Health Centre, and described GP practice capacity in Fermanagh as being "at crisis point". 

After speaking about the challenges facing GP practices across Northern Ireland, Minister Nesbitt said: "That facility will support the delivery of integrated primary and community care services for the population of Lisnaskea and the surrounding area of east Fermanagh. 

"I hope that I will not frustrate you too much when I say that the announcement is imminent."

This statement was met with laughter in the Chamber.

"Boom. I am sorry," continued Minister Nesbitt. "There is no issue that I am aware of that will delay it. It will happen. It is tied in with a couple of other announcements.

"They need to be tied down — the 'i's need to be dotted and the 't's crossed — and then I will be ready to go. Imminent means imminent."

Sinn Féin MLA, Áine Murphy. Sinn Féin MLA, Áine Murphy. (Image: File Photo.)

Ms. Murphy then asked if "we are liable to see diggers on the ground before the end of 2024".

The Health Minister responded: "I will get back to you. There have been too many broken promises to make a promise in the Chamber.

"I want to get the timeframes absolutely nailed down. I promise that, when I say 'imminent', I do not mean weeks and months.

"In Fermanagh, the Western Trust is playing a leading role in promoting stability through holding the contracts for GP practices that have got into difficulty.

"There are three such practices in Fermanagh, and my Department is supporting the Western Trust to move towards a more sustainable model for service provision in those practices through the appointment of salaried GPs.

"That will help to strengthen the service in those practices and reduce reliance on locums, which is a very expensive way of doing business."

During the debate, Ms. Murphy described the local situation at Lisnaskea Health Centre, where posters were erected and staff were subject to alleged "abuse".

"My GP practice, Lisnaskea Medical Centre, has approximately 14,000 patients, which makes it one of the largest practices in the North," Ms. Murphy said.

"The issues faced by the practice are well rehearsed and resulted in a contract hand-back in 2022.

"The lack of GP provision, coupled with increased patient lists, has resulted in demand outstripping supply in relation to GP appointments.

"The lack of appointments has led to patients and staff becoming increasingly frustrated. 

"Patient and staff frustrations have only continued to grow, and a meaningful intervention to assist them with the difficulties that they experience is required without delay.

"The patients and staff of Lisnaskea Medical Centre deserve better than that, and so do patients in any rural practice."

DUP MLA Deborah Erskine said recent conflict at Lisnaskea had "demoralised" staff. 

DUP MLA, Deborah Erskine. DUP MLA, Deborah Erskine. (Image: File Photo.)

"Recently, as the Minister will be aware, posters were put up outside it," Mrs. Erskine said. 

"What was achieved by doing that? Frankly, all that it did was demoralise and hurt the staff who work there.

"They are trying to do their best in difficult circumstances and, as was referenced, in a building that is crumbling around them."

As the debate drew to a close, Minister Nesbitt said: "Deborah Erskine talked about promoting the beautiful constituency of Fermanagh and South Tyrone.

"Áine Murphy asked whether I would meet her to talk about problems in south Fermanagh.

"I most certainly will, but maybe we should do it in the beautiful constituency of Strangford.

"Maybe we should go down to Harrison's on Strangford lough and have a little meeting there. Other restaurants are available."

Health Minister, Mike Nesbitt. Health Minister, Mike Nesbitt. (Image: File Photo.)