If you wanted to see one of the finest collections of vintage tractors, cars and implements, then Clogher Valley Show was the place to be earlier this year.

Each year, Clogher Show hosts one of the finest sections of vintage machines anywhere in Ireland, as it has been running continuously since 2004, except for the pandemic years when there was no Show.

Richard Mulligan, Chief Steward of the Vintage Section, explained that they insist on a rolling 40-year age for vehicles attending.

This year, all tractors and cars had to be manufactured no later than 1984.

The 2024 response was phenomenal, with Mr. Mulligan estimating around 200 cars and tractors attended from all across Northern Ireland and the Republic’s Border counties, with the Augher showgrounds within easy reach for those from Fermanagh, Tyrone, Armagh, Donegal and Monaghan.

One of the oldest was a 1947 Farmhall Cub, but Mr. Mulligan himself had a rare 1947 Continental Ferguson with a mid-mounted Featherstone mowing machine attached.

“I would claim that Clogher Show has the largest vintage display at an agricultural show in Ireland,” he said, pointing to the popularity and tremendous support from exhibitors, who are not asked for a fee but who can give a voluntary donation to the Show’s nominated charity.

This year, the charity was ACE First Responders.

Those entering submit details of their machine and the Show organisers put together a display board for visitors to learn something about each exhibit.

Exhibitors also get a tea ticket and a finisher’s award.

From its inception, the vintage Section has had its local supporters, too, such as Jim Patton with his 1957 Ford Dexta, and Wilbur Campbell with his 1954 Ferguson – just two of the loyal supporters.

Mr. Mulligan’s extensive knowledge of vintage machinery is invaluable to the running of the section, which requires around 10 stewards to help organise.

He attends vintage shows around the country each year and keeps in touch with this very popular scene.

The Vintage Section’s fundraising for charity will soon be handed over to ACE Responders at a Show meeting.