CUTS to a winter fuel payment scheme will see more and more pensioners falling into poverty, the manager of a local advice centre has warned. 

Bernie Rowntree, who manages Fermanagh Community Advice, was speaking after a recent announcement from Communities Minister Gordon Lyons who confirmed that Northern Ireland would be following Westminster's lead on means-testing the payments.

From this autumn, those not on pension credit or other means-tested benefits will no longer get the annual payments, which are worth between £100 and £300.

A total of 249,600 pensioners will no longer be eligible as a result of the changes. 

"This a very disappointing and concerning decision", said Mrs. Rowntree, who said that she will see first-hand the impact of the cuts affecting elderly people. 

"The cuts means that thousands of pensioners are now going to be falling deeper into poverty, or will be entering it for the first time.

"Yes, we are aware the government is under pressure to make cuts, but it's a shame that it has to be to those most at risk, and those who are already in poverty, or on the verge of it."

Last year, the Fermanagh and Omagh district was named as one of the highest-risk areas for winter fuel poverty in Northern Ireland, according to the annual Poverty, Income and Equality Report.

"This is a damming statistic for our county that causes concern,"  Mrs. Rowntree commented.

"The report also revealed that the rate of relative poverty within the local district is 23 per cent.

"As an individual working in the voluntary sector, I know that this statistic is much higher.

"So, given these local realities, the fact that these cuts are set to come in is even more even more concerning.

"The cuts are going to increase the rate of poverty, and across the board in Northern Ireland, it will  impact 249,000 pensioners."

Mrs. Rowntree said that hardships for local pensioners will also be exacerbated by limited access to different fuel options within the county. 

"Fermanagh has limited options for fuel, with the majority of the county unable to access the likes of gas," she explained. 

"Oil is the main fuel in most homes, and as we know, this can vary in price depending on factors such as the economy.

"The lack of access to different options makes it more expensive for the people within our county, and not everyone can afford a fill of oil out of their household income."

Mrs. Rowntree said that more and more pensioners will now be forced to choose between heating their homes, or eating, with recent cuts representing "another blow" for the elderly.

"I feel pensioners are getting no break from the cost of living with these new changes," she said.

"[The price of] food has increased, along with electricity. This is just another blow.

"Weather-wise, there has been no summer, and many households have had to already turn on their heating.

"This, in turn, has already caused financial stress for those who cannot afford it."

She added: "Unfortunately, the winter fuel payment changes may mean individuals having to chose between food and heat. 

"No individual in 2024 should have to make that decision, which is putting their health and well-being at risk."

Mrs. Rowntree has urged pensioners  to check their eligibility for pension credit, which is one of the benefits that the winter fuel payment is tied to.

The staff at Fermanagh Community Advice are on hand to conduct these checks. 

"Crucially, those eligible for pension credit will have to make a claim before next Monday, September 23, to access a winter fuel payment," the local manager said.

"The claim will take a while to process, but as long as they have applied on or before that date, and they are eligible, they should get their winter fuel payment.

"Pension Credit is one of the most underclaimed benefits in the social security system, which is why it is important to get in touch.

"This is concerning as it is a ‘passport’ benefit for other supports such as free NHS dental treatment, help towards glasses' costs, and transport to hospital appointments, a free TV licence for those over 75, and cold weather payments.

"Please don't hesitate to contact us to undertake a benefit check to see if you are eligible," she urged.