The Enniskillen Southern Bypass could be under threat as the UK Government has paused the Mid South West region growth deal.

The announcement that the UK Government has paused funding for the City Deal for the Mid South West region has been met with frustration and anger from politicians.

Northern Ireland is covered by four city and growth deals worth £1.7 billion.

Initially, it was announced that all deals were paused, however it was clarified that two of the deals, Belfast regions, and Derry City and Strabane, will not be affected by the suspension.

The two other deals covering the Mid South West and Causeway Coast and Glens have been paused amid a spending review.

The Mid South West deal covers the Fermanagh and Omagh District Council area, The Mid Ulster District Council area and the Armagh City, Banbridge and Craigavon area. There was set to be an investment of £252million as part of the deal.

Some have been critical that there are discrepancies between urban populations in Northern Ireland getting a deal while the deal for the rural population remains paused.

In Fermanagh and Omagh alone, there was due to be a large number of projects benefitting from funding from the deal including £12.5m for the A4 Enniskillen Southern Bypass.

In a letter to the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, Hilary Benn, Fermanagh and South Tyrone Democratic Unionist Party MLA Deborah Erskine described that she and her constituents feel “let down by the Government” as a result of this decision.

She said: “The A4 Southern Bypass, known locally as the Enniskillen Bypass, has been discussed for over 40 years and was at long last progressing with funding from this Deal. The Scheme will alleviate traffic congestion in Enniskillen town centre, reducing delays and improving average journey times by approximately 50 per cent as well as improving road safety."

She concluded her letter by inviting the Secretary of State to visit Fermanagh South Tyrone for direct engagement with stakeholders.

Also speaking out about the deals was Sinn Féin MLA Colm  Gildernew, in the Assembly Chamber, he described the announcement as “deplorable” and “unacceptable”: 

“The Mid South West region has 12 project proposals that have the potential to deliver additional jobs; drive growth in output and wages; increase visitor numbers and spend; and provide a population magnet, as further people are attracted to come to the region. Those economic benefits will be quantified in the process. In order to drive our public services, we clearly need to improve our economies. This is a central part of that process and must be considered in that context.

A joint letter from the five main political party leaders was sent to the Treasury and the Secretary of State on Tuesday calling out “the two-tier” system between urban and rural areas. 

The leaders said: “The Executive and indeed elected members from right across the Assembly are united in our message that the pause must be lifted immediately for these Deals. In particular, there is considerable anger and frustration that a two-tier system is now operating between cities and rural regions.”

A UK Government spokesperson said: “We are facing the challenge of a £22 billion black hole in the public finances that we have inherited.

“The UK Government continues to work closely with Deal partners and the Northern Ireland Executive on the City and Growth Deals programme.”

Projects due to receive funding from the Mid-South West Growth Deal in Fermanagh and Omagh:

A4 Enniskillen Southern Relief Bypass -  £12.5m

Culicagh Lakelands Geopark - £10.5m

Ulster American Folkpark - £20m

Robotics Automation Packaging Innovation Centre (RAPIC) - CAFRE - £3.3m

Green Hydrogen Distribution Network £24.7m  

Construction Innovation Excellence Centre  £7m

Investment Challenge Fund £5m