A production manager at a multi-award-winning newspaper printing plant in Belfast is stepping down after more than 20 years of leadership.

David Wilson has been at the helm of Interpress, owned by The Irish News, since its inception in 2004.

He has been instrumental in positioning the company as a leader in newspaper printing across Ireland.

Interpress was established to provide quality printing to local and national titles.

The first copies of the new-look Irish News rolled off the press in March 2005, with the newspaper being its sole customer at the time.

Since then, the plant has expanded to print nearly 50 daily, weekly, bi-weekly, and monthly publications, amounting to around three-quarters of a million newspapers each week.

The company's many newspaper print awards underline its prominent position in the industry.

Interpress now also prints all of Reach’s national titles in Northern Ireland, along with the Belfast Telegraph and Sunday Life, and most of Northern Ireland’s weekly papers.

Mr. Wilson said: "With the recent addition of the new contracts, I feel the time is right for me to step down, knowing I am leaving Interpress with a great future.

"This ensures that the hardworking staff can be confident in their long-term job security.

"After more than 40 years in the industry, having witnessed many changes, I believe now is the right time to step back, having accomplished everything I set out to achieve."

Rodney Edwards, editor of The Impartial Reporter, said: "David Wilson's leadership and dedication over the past 20 years have been instrumental in shaping Interpress into the fine newspaper printing operation it is today.

"His commitment to quality and innovation has not only elevated the standards of print media in Ireland but also ensured that titles like The Impartial Reporter continue to reach our readers with the highest level of professionalism and care.

"David’s impact on the industry will be felt for years to come, and we wish him all the very best in his well-earned retirement."

Dominic Fitzpatrick, chief executive of IntoMedia Group, said: "David has dedicated his life to printing, always striving to deliver the highest quality print service to both customers and readers.

"He has been a key figure in the success of Interpress, and I am deeply grateful for his contributions.

"David is stepping down at a time when the facility has recently secured several major contracts and is in an exceptionally strong position."