A WOMAN accused of causing the death of an expectant mother in Belleek has had her bail terms varied in order to attend an addiction treatment centre.

The case of Emma Josephine Feely (35) of Blackrock Park, Belleek, was discussed at Enniskillen Magistrate's Court on Monday.

Feely is accused of causing the death of Brazilian native, Valeria Amorim, by driving dangerously on a road, namely Boa Island Road, Belleek, on February 19 of this year.

She is also charged with causing grievous bodily harm through dangerous driving to two other individuals on the same date, as well as charges of driving with excess alcohol in her breath,  driving with no driving licence, and driving as an unaccompanied 'L' driver with no 'L' plates displayed. 

At Monday's hearing, a prosecutor told the court that a file had been sent to the assisting director within in the case, but that a two-week adjournment would be required for further preparation.

Solicitor, Michael Forde, then told the court that Feely would be residing at an addiction treatment centre in Newry for a period of 12-weeks, and requested that her bail terms are varied to allow this.

District Judge Alana McSorley granted this variation and ordered that the case be returned to on Monday, October 14.