Finance Minister Dr. Caoimhe Archibald is urging the continuation of two paused growth deals.

The Causeway Coast and Glens and Mid South West Growth Deals were halted by the Labour government, but Dr. Archibald wants this pause lifted.

She invited representatives of the two deals to Parliament Buildings, where they met with ministers from across the executive and MLAs who support the cause.

Dr. Archibald said: "I remain unwavering on the need for the Causeway Coast and Glens and Mid South West Growth Deals to be allowed to continue to progress without delay."

She highlighted the recent signing of the Derry and Strabane City Deal as an example of the positive impact these agreements can have.

She said: "This is a milestone, all regions and deals deserve, cities and rural regions alike.

"This funding was promised by the British Government and should be honoured."

The Causeway Coast and Glens Growth Deal, which signed heads of terms in April, includes regeneration and tourism projects and three food, pharmaceutical, and business innovation centres.

The Mid South West Growth Deal was due to sign heads of terms next month for projects in robotic automation, an agri-bio innovation centre, and a green energy pilot.

Dr. Archibald is concerned the pause could undermine confidence in these deals.

She said: "The continuation of this pause risks undermining confidence to get on with delivering these deals, which had been designed to stimulate growth in local and regional economies.

"Today has demonstrated, once again, the unanimous political support for these deals.

"Working together we will continue to champion the case of the immediate reversal of this pause on funding for the Causeway Coast and Glens and Mid South West Growth Deals and their reinstatement, so they can get on with delivering the proposed projects and realising the many benefits they will bring to our citizens, communities and businesses."