The Parkinson's Clinic at South West Acute Hospital (SWAH) has resumed operation despite fears that it would be closed indefinitely.

According to the Western Health and Social Care Trust, the clinic reopened on Tuesday, September 17 after being closed on an "interim basis" over the summer months.

This was due to high levels of demand which was "exceeding capacity", with one doctor on reduced hours of work. 

However, the Trust assured patients that referrals to the service would be prioritised when clinics recommence in the Autumn and apologised to those impacted.

In August, the local hospital campaign group Save Our Acute Services (SOAS) raised concerns that the service would be stopped indefinitely. 

"We have no confidence in the words of the Trust," said a spokesperson at the time.

"We know that temporary or interim arrangements become permanent if there is no opposition.

"We know that this service has been removed leaving people without access with no timeframe for restoration."