Ulster Unionist Councillor Mark Ovens has urged Fermanagh and Omagh District Council to provide more transparency regarding the costs associated with the proposed redevelopment of the Lakeland Forum in Enniskillen.

The Erne West representative called for immediate engagement with residents and businesses ahead of a final decision, which he claims could lead to significant rate increases across the district.

Councillor Ovens said: "The Fermanagh Lakeland Forum is one of the most valued and recognized community assets in our council area. Built in the 1970s, the current structure is reaching the end of its usable lifespan, making redevelopment necessary."

However, he expressed concerns about the scale and cost of the proposed project: "The new Forum will be significantly larger, built to expensive energy specifications, and will involve a complete reconfiguration of the site," he explained.

While acknowledging the £20 million grant from the UK Government through the Levelling Up Fund, Councillor Ovens claimed that the project will still require tens of millions more from local ratepayers.

"Unfortunately, as councillors, we are frequently told we cannot share the latest estimated costs. However, I believe it is our duty to inform the public that, under the current plans, the redevelopment of the Forum will come at an unprecedented financial cost to local taxpayers."

He claimed that, beyond the UK Government's £20 million contribution, the Council would need to borrow the majority of the funds required, with repayment stretching over the next two decades.

He raised the issue during a Policy and Resources committee meeting in September:

He said: “I was shocked to learn earlier this year that local households and businesses could face £16 million in interest payments alone. The most significant impact on rates won’t occur until the loans are repaid, which will start after construction is completed in three years. By then, it will be too late to reconsider, as the costs will have already been committed."

Councillor Ovens also expressed frustration with the lack of engagement with the community over recent years: "Regardless of whether the project proceeds as planned, the UUP is increasingly concerned about the lack of meaningful consultation with residents and businesses."

He called for thorough scrutiny of the project in the coming weeks stating: "This is ratepayers’ money, and they deserve to be fully informed."