An Ulster Unionist councillor has called for a temporary halt to the Fermanagh Lakeland Forum redevelopment, citing concerns over spiraling costs and a lack of transparency in the decision-making process.

Councillor Mark Ovens, supported by fellow UUP Councillor Roy Crawford, will present a motion to Fermanagh and Omagh District Council next week requesting a deferral of the project for an eight-week period to allow for further scrutiny and engagement with local ratepayers.

The motion highlights concerns over the proposed redevelopment’s scale and cost, noting that despite receiving £20 million from the Levelling Up Fund, the project is expected to cost the Council tens of millions more. Councillor Ovens said that much of this expense would be covered through a combination of capital reserves and high-interest borrowing over 20 years, “potentially burdening local residents and businesses for decades”.

“This project has expanded significantly beyond its original scope, incorporating costly Passivhaus specifications,” the motion states. “Given the recent surge in capital project expenses, we need to ensure that local people and businesses are not left carrying the financial burden for many years to come.”

Councillor Ovens also criticised the lack of transparent consultation, stating that residents and business owners had not been properly engaged in discussions around the costs and overall impact on rates. The motion calls for the Council to rescind all decisions related to the redevelopment until the full business case can be reviewed and the public fully consulted.

The eight-week deferral, according to the proposal, would allow for a more comprehensive review of the proposed expenditure and provide an opportunity for meaningful engagement with local ratepayers to discuss the long-term financial implications of the project.

The motion will now be debated by the Council, as members weigh the need for redevelopment against concerns over financial sustainability and transparency.