ECONOMY Minister Dr. Caoimhe Archibald has reaffirmed her commitment to reversing the government's pause on Mid South West Growth deal funding.

At a recent sitting of Stormont DUP MLA Deborah Erskine asked the Minister for an update on discussions with the Treasury after two substantial growth deals were paused. 

According to Dr. Archibald, her officials are working closely with the two growth deal teams to provide the necessary evidence for the Treasury to consider as part of the spending review.

“I raised with the Chief Secretary to the Treasury the importance of the growth deals to our economic development and reiterated the need for funding to be reinstated for the Causeway Coast and Glens and Mid South West growth deals," the Minister said. 

"The Executive agreed to recommendations that I brought forward, asking them to reaffirm their funding commitments to the two growth deals and the £100 million complementary fund.” 

“While we continue to collectively press the Treasury to reverse its decision to pause the £162 million British Government funding contribution to the growth deals, the Executive's agreement to reaffirm their funding commitment should help to provide clarity amidst the confusion that has been caused by Treasury, especially on the A4 Enniskillen bypass, which is currently out to tender.”

In response, Mrs. Erskine said:  “I thank the Minister and the Executive for what they have been doing on the Mid South West growth deal and, indeed, the Causeway Coast and Glens growth deal. They are an economic game changer and catalyst.” 

She then asked the Minister to outline her assessment of the Northern Ireland Office's (NIO) "willingness and ability to lobby effectively" in order to ensure that the money is "drawn down and the pause is lifted".

Dr. Archibald responded: “The strong collective message that we have been able to send, as an Executive and as parties across the board, on the need to un-pause the funding commitment to the growth deals has been a real strength.

“The deal partners have been engaging directly with the NIO I think that they met the British Secretary of State last week - and have been reassured by that engagement.”

"There is still work to do. Certainly, I have been encouraging the deal partners. Later this week, I will meet the Mid South West growth deal partners again. 

"We will continue to put that pressure on and use whatever avenue we have. I have continued to press the issue with the treasury, in particular, to ensure that the commitment is reinstated.”