Tens of thousands of people converged on the Serbian capital on Friday for a major rally in support of President Aleksandar Vucic, who is facing a revolt against his autocratic rule following two mass shootings.

The event was overshadowed by a new crisis in Serbia’s former province of Kosovo, where ethnic Serbs clashed with Kosovo police on Friday and Mr Vucic ordered Serbian troops to be put on a “higher state of alert”.

Mr Vucic also said that he ordered an “urgent” movement of Serbian troops to the border with Kosovo, which declared independence in 2008.

Answering Mr Vucic’s appeal for what he called “the largest rally in the history of Serbia,” his supporters, many wearing identical T-shirts with his portrait, came to Belgrade from all over the Balkan country as well as neighbouring Kosovo and Bosnia.

Serbia Shootings Rally
Thousands joined a rain-soaked rally in support of President Aleksandar Vucic in Belgrade, Serbia (Darko Vojinovic/AP/PA)

The organisers said “hundreds of thousands” of participants attended the gathering in front of Serbia’s National Assembly amid a thunderstorm.

Those working in state firms and institutions were told to take a day off from work to attend the rally in front of the parliament building.

Some said that they were warned that they could lose their jobs if they did not show up on the buses which started arriving hours before the gathering was to start.

Serbian officials said the rally promotes “unity and hope” for Serbia.

At three large anti-government protests held earlier this month in the capital, demonstrators demanded Mr Vucic’s ousting as well as the resignation of two senior security officials.

They also demanded the withdrawal of broadcasting licences for two pro-Vucic television stations that promote violence and often host convicted war criminals and other crime figures.

Opposition protesters blame Mr Vucic for creating an atmosphere of hopelessness and division in the country that they say indirectly led to the May 3 and May 4 mass shootings that left 18 people dead and 20 wounded, many of them schoolchildren who were gunned down by a 13-year-old schoolmate.

Serbia School Shooting
Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic (Darko Vojinovic/AP/PA)

Mr Vucic has vehemently denied any responsibility for the shootings, calling organisers of the opposition protests “vultures” and “hyenas” who want to use the tragedies to try to come to power by force and without an election.

“They are not against violence, they want my head,” he said.

Analysts believe that by staging the mass rally, Mr Vucic who has ruled the country for more than a decade with a firm grip on power, is trying to overshadow the opposition protests with the sheer number of participants.

“For the first time, Mr Vucic has a problem,” said political analyst Zoran Gavrilovic. “His problem is not so much the opposition, but Serbian society that has woken up.”

During the rally, Mr Vucic was expected to announce that he is stepping down from the helm of his Serbian Progressive Party and forming “a movement” that will unite all “patriotic forces” in the country.

Mr Vucic, a former pro-Russia ultranationalist who now says that he wants to take the country into the European Union, has alleged that “foreign intelligence services” are behind the opposition protests.

He said that he received the tip from “sisterly” spy agencies “from the east” — thought to mean Russia.

There are widespread fears that violence could erupt during the rally on Friday that could then be used as a pretext for a crackdown on future opposition protests, including one that is scheduled in Belgrade on Saturday.

Similar big rallies were held in Serbia in the early 1990s when Slobodan Milosevic delivered fiery speeches that heralded the violent breakup of Yugoslavia and rallied the masses for the wars that followed.