The best time of day to indulge in a little sugar and avoid cavities and tooth decay has been revealed by a Dental expert.

From time to time, we all deserve a little treat and snacking on a little sugar now and again is nothing to worry about.

However, there are some things that we can do that will help protect our teeth and limit the long-term effects of sugar.

A move your Dentist will thank you for.

In light of the UK's current dental crisis, with a "staggering" rise in tooth decay cases among children and adults, Dr Petar Bago of Dentum has shed some light on a surprising strategy to combat cavities and avoid the Dentist’s chair.

Impartial Reporter: A Dentist has explained when is the best time of day to eat sugar. ( Getty Images)A Dentist has explained when is the best time of day to eat sugar. ( Getty Images) (Image: Getty Images)

Should you eat sugar before or after a meal?

Many people believe that spreading out sugary snacks throughout the day is better for their teeth, according to Dr Bago.

When, in fact, this can actually increase the risk of cavities, the Dentist explained.

Dr Bago explained: "When you consume sugary foods or beverages, the bacteria in your mouth produce acids that attack tooth enamel.

"By minimising the frequency of exposure to these acids, we can reduce the risk of cavities."

The Dental expert suggests that we should opt to eat sugary snacks during mealtime or immediately afterwards. 

"During meals, your mouth produces more saliva which helps neutralise acids and rinse away food particles. Consuming sugary snacks with meals can mitigate the harmful effects on your teeth," he commented.

Impartial Reporter: Here's how to avoid cavities and tooth decay according to Dr Petar Bago. ( Getty Images)Here's how to avoid cavities and tooth decay according to Dr Petar Bago. ( Getty Images) (Image: Getty Images)

The expert also highlighted how important it is to be thorough with our oral hygiene practices after we eat and drink something sweet.

"Brushing your teeth shortly after indulging in such foods can help remove leftover sugars and prevent them from lingering on your teeth," Dr Bago said.

The Dentist also recommended choosing your sugary snacks wisely.

He urged people to opt for treats that are less likely to stick to teeth, such as chocolate rather than sticky sweets like caramels or gummy bears.

"These tend to adhere to teeth longer, providing a longer window for bacterial acid production,” he warned.

While moderation is key, Dr Bago acknowledged that occasional indulgence is inevitable.

"If you're going to treat yourself to sugary snacks, doing so strategically can minimise the impact on your dental health," he added.

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Dr Bago concluded: "Britain is currently facing a dental crisis, with tooth decay emerging as the leading cause of NHS hospital admissions for children aged between five and 17, and many adults also suffering with the painful results.

"As Dentum offers high-quality dental care at significantly lower costs compared to the UK, our clinic provides Brits an opportunity to prioritise their dental health amidst the ongoing crisis.”

He added: "Including easy techniques like timing sugary snacks wisely, people can actively safeguard their smiles and reduce the risk of tooth decay, leading to better oral health for everyone."