President Joe Biden will cease to be President of the USA once the November 5 election’s result have been declared and the new President is sworn in.

My mother’s ghost and the remnants of old decency require me to add, “God sparing him until then.”

But I confess to being more inclined to use the old phrase, “Bad scrant to him!” as a parting shot.

Isn’t it strange how sometimes nothing ever seems to change, no matter what happens, and then all at once things begin to change all over the place that unsettle the whole gameplay of the world stage?

Donald Trump was very fortunate just recently to have escaped death or a life-changing injury with what some people might have considered a well-earned clip on the ear.

Conspiracy theories abound, but I very much doubt that even Trump would stage a ‘fake news’ attempt on his own life.

The 20-year old ‘all-American kid’ who shot Trump ended up ‘neutralised’ himself, but not before an innocent bystander lost his life.

As conspiracy theories go, given what we now know about British Intelligence and Security Services’ activity here, there might be more mileage in investigating how the young assassin was able to get to such a prime sniping position unhindered.

It seems there were at least three security snipers in the building while he climbed onto the roof and opened fire.

What were three of them doing in that relatively small building?

For what it’s worth, I think that if the CIA had intended to remove Trump from the election while ensuring the Republican Party won the presidency with a less contentious candidate, they would have done it with greater determination and efficiency.

They would not have missed, even had Donald ducked. (Sorry, I couldn’t resist that!) My personal guess is that the security guys were quite likely to have been taking a break, a quick sneaky smoke and a coffee before the rally started.

Of such small things is history really made? Who knows! Nobody ever owns up.

Once ‘God had spared Trump’, Biden’s days were numbered. Not because of his iron-clad determination to support what I believe is Israel’s genocide to its end goal – the annihilation of Palestine – and happy to destroy the United Nations in the process.

Not because he consistently advised Ukraine, in the interests of the USA and NATO rather than Ukraine, not to engage in peace talks with Russia, which could have avoided further loss of life and displacement, and the destruction of Ukraine, or created a mutually agreed peace process for Donbass and the Crimea.

Not because his blind militarist expansion dreams for NATO put the whole world at risk of endless war.

No, none of these things which threatened world peace and global democracy caused the leaders of the Democratic Party to think Joe Biden was losing his senses of reality.

What tipped the balance was that they believed he would definitely lose the election, and would take the party down with him as a consequence.

Most decent human beings outside the USA were significantly more concerned what the consequences for the world would be if Biden won the election.

There is little to be said in Trump’s favour other than, unlike Joe Biden, he has not, to date, knowingly and with deliberate intent been complicit in war crimes amounting to genocide.


IF YOU depend on the BBC, ITV, or other mainstream TV channels, you may have missed the news that the International Court of Justice (ICJ) has now made a ruling on some of the charges laid against Israel by South Africa.

The court has now made a formal declaration that Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territory is a breach of International Law.

It has ordered Israel to withdraw and to make reparations to the Palestinian people.

This important ruling managed to make the second section of the news after the main items like the IT outage, which showed the power people with no democratic mandate have in the world, and then updates on the second-rate Labour Party’s ramblings.

No comment was sought from the European Union, the USA, or the UK on whether they will now call on Israel to withdraw, or if they will keep on financing the genocide and escalation of the war.

Netanyahu has now turned his sights and USA weapons on the West Bank and Yemen, and still the Western media make excuses for Israel.

Having sown the wind, I hope God spares Genocide Joe, Trump, Ursula Frau Genocide, Sunak & Starmer Inc., and the entire international Zionist network, to live to reap the whirlwind of arrest and conviction for their conspiracy to eradicate Palestine, and that the owners and CEOs of the world media stand trial with them.

That’s my prayer for today.


NEARER to home, the Executive signed off the Lough Neagh plan, which is more aspiration than effective action for the long-term rehabilitation of water quality in the lough.

It ducks all the hard decisions for now, and concentrates on things like educating people and investigating and researching.

But it ticked a box, and let the Minister off the hook for now. It is a start, albeit a timid and vague one.

Where real hope lies is in the increasing number of people in all walks of life, disciplines and areas of expertise and interest who are independently focused on saving the lough from further harm, reducing the existing harm, and working together as equals rather than hierarchies and cartels to ensure change happens and everybody can contribute to that change.

An environmental protection agency that sits outside and above DAERA – and indeed, all Departments – and holds them to environmental account is urgently needed.

And here’s another thing! If we had a Bill of Rights as promised in the Belfast/Good Friday Agreement, we could incorporate the growing international recognition of the Rights of Nature, and be ahead of the game in protecting the environment of the entire jurisdiction.

How about resurrecting the Bill of Rights?