It will be something of Groundhog Day this Sunday when Fermanagh and Limerick meet in the semi-final of the All-Ireland Junior Championship.

It is a repeat of the 2023 edition and takes place in Glennon Brothers Pearse Park in Longford again.

But that is where Fermanagh will want the similarities to end as they lost out by a point, 0-10 to 1-06 on that day in July.

It is a new management team in charge of Fermanagh with CJ McGourty taking over the reins from James Daly.

And with new management comes a new identity and way of playing.

While last year was a low-scoring affair, Fermanagh's prowess in the group stages of the championship points to more scores.

100 points were scored over their four games with 8-17 and 2-18 scored in their last two games.

Some may look at this game as one of revenge. McGourty wants his side to channel their motivation in a similar way they did against Carlow in the group stages.

"It's probably trying to approach it a bit like the Carlow game," he explained referring to the victory in that group game after Carlow had beaten Fermanagh in the Division Four league semi-final.

"It's not really a revenge mission. It’s a new team, it’s a new year.

"The motivation has to come from within those girls who played last year."

McGourty watched the game last year and felt the luck was on the side of the Treaty Ladies.

"It was 50/50 last year and they just got the rub of the green. We have to be the best we can be on Sunday and hope for the best.

"The players have to bring the motivation themselves and bring that wee bit of hurt from last year and channel it in the right direction just like they did for the Carlow game."

With an intense seven days when Fermanagh played three of their group games, McGourty has welcomed the two-week break before Sunday's game.

He admitted that he had pushed for the three games in a week but there was reasoning behind it all.

"When the Derry game was called off due to very unfortunate circumstances I pushed for the game on Wednesday night even though I knew it would be three games in seven days.

"I knew the girls were capable, we had a squad that could compete in the three games.

"I wanted a clean focus going in for two weeks. I didn’t want to be playing last weekend and not knowing who our opponents were until the end of last weekend and just really having two sessions to try and work on things.

"I wanted to push for three games in a week so we could have that focus on who we were playing, what we needed to improve on.

"The girls had three days off and came back refreshed and ready to go and focussed on the semi-final against Limerick," said McGourty who added: "I just thought that mentally and physically we needed a break last weekend."

There has been a more recent meeting between the sides than last year.

Fermanagh travelled to Limerick in Division Four of the league and came away with a five-point win, 0-09 to 0-04.

McGourty believes there is little between the sides despite that win: "We beat them earlier in the league. They had a new management team looking at players.

"I think it is straight down the middle, a 50/50 game. They have a lot of decent forwards, a good defensive structure. We have a lot of good players as well. Whoever turns up best on the day is going to be the winner.

"I don’t think there's massive favourites either way, to be honest."

McGourty just hopes all the plans put in place for the All-Ireland continue to work: "All is working out to plan at the minute you just never know what is in front of you in football. Hopefully, all being well it gets them over the line."