Castle Hume Golf Club held a tournament in memory of the late Ray Bass on Sunday the 30th of June and raised over £2,700 for pancreatic cancer in the process.

Ray began playing golf through Mulhern’s Bar where he met tournament organiser and friend Christopher McMulkin.

Ray sadly passed away earlier this year and Christopher set up the tournament as a fundraiser for charity.

The tournament held at Castle Hume had two different types of winners with an individual winner and also a team winner.

Liam McManus came out on top with the most points in the competition taking first-place with 41 points on the day.

Conor Rooney, Gary Breen, Emmet Flatley and Christopher McMulkin took the team-winning honours with a final score of 98 points to cap off an enjoyable and well-spirited day of golf action with plenty of proceeds going to a good cause that involved 63 players participating in the tournament overall.

McManus lifted a cup with the team winners also winning a four-ball award for Rosses Point donated by the golf club in Sligo.

There was a pre-match bap for part-takers in the Castle Hume Clubhouse and players also went back to Mulhern’s Bar for post-match food to cap off the day.