Fermanagh Junior Super Cup captain Daniel McCarron has targeted the toughest games of the tournament as he looks ahead to the Super Cup week on the North Coast.

The group stage for the Junior squad sees them take on Rangers FC, St. Patrick's Athletic from Dublin and FC America, and the Dungannon centre-back is relishing the challenge.

“I am looking forward to playing the games against the tougher teams, the likes of Rangers. It will be good fun and a good experience,” said McCarron.

“I am really looking forward to the Rangers game. I can’t wait for that one. I think it will be a very high standard up there, but I do think we can give them a good challenge. The last few results we have had have given us a lot of confidence, so I think that will help us going into the tournament.”

McCarron is making his first appearance for Fermanagh in the tournament. He did represent his club side Dungannon last year in the Minor section of the competition, and they made the final before losing out to Celtic at the Coleraine Showgrounds.

Unlike his previous club experience, this year the Fermanagh squad has brought together players from a variety of sides across the county and beyond, but Daniel feels they have all integrated well.

“We all were friendly enough before we came in so that helps a bit,” he said.

“There were a couple of lads I didn’t know before, but we have all got to know each other and everyone in the team is friendly now.”

A series of positive results in the lead-up to the tournament has boosted morale in the squad, and McCarron feels that they can carry that good run of form into the competition.

“Preparations have been very good,” he said.

“We have been training hard, and we have won most of the games we have played so far. We have lost two of them, but we went unbeaten at our own age.

"We played a couple of older teams that were stronger than us to try to give us a challenge. We have been playing well. We have been moving the ball around well. Ciaran has helped us a lot. He has improved us and helped us build more confidence.”