Sean Donnelly, Derrylin

“It has been a disappointing season, and we were down a good few players but are hoping to have these lads back as they are vital to us.

"The Intermediate Championship is a chance for clubs to have something to aim for after the League is over.

"There are six or seven clubs who could be in contention and Belcoo, Irvinestown and Roslea look to be strong contenders especially if Roslea have Sean Quigley and James McMahon back in action.

"But we have a massive game against Donagh at home on Saturday and that will not be easy.”

Gary Maguire, St Pat's

“Looking forward to the championship, had a reasonable league, probably ended up where we thought and were competitive with the teams above us.

"Showed great improvement as the year went on which was pleasing. It’s a tough championship and everyone will be looking at each other and hoping to get off to a good start.

"Aspirations wise, for us is to try and get out of the group firstly and see where it goes from there. As regards Derrylin, they are a Division One team who were probably unlucky to go down, they play nice fast football so it’s all to do for us but I feel we have prepared well and ready to give it a crack.

"The main thing is to try and stay injury-free as it’s a tough couple of weeks ahead week after week.”

John Reihill, Lisnaskea

“We are confident that we can do ourselves justice and put in good performance in the Intermediate Championship.

"That confidence comes from last year’s Junior Championship win and our performances in the league campaign. In the league we did lose to the top teams but we were in all  three to four games right to the end and therefore close to promotion.

"The players were disappointed they did not get across the line in those games and have a steely determination to do so in the championship to prove to themselves that they are now competitive at this level. 

"Preparations are going quite well but we have carried a few injuries and missed a few due to holidays/weddings."

Ryan Cassidy, Tempo

“We’re looking forward to the championship and hoping to build on the league. We’ve got a tough group so our focus is very much taking each game as it comes and hopefully it’ll leave us in a good position.

"The group stage is always a tough challenge, as the intermediate championship is extremely competitive in Fermanagh with every side having lots of quality in their team.”

Ciaran Murphy, Roslea

“Really looking forward to the championship, the league finished off disappointing but we felt we were in the majority of games for long periods.

"Hoping to have a few key men back for championship which should help us. We are in a tough group having lost out to Tempo, last year, and narrowly to Belcoo this year.

"Plus, Maguiresbridge will be looking to take us down also.”

Adrian Diver, Maguiresbridge

“First and foremost, we want to stay in the Intermediate Championship. That’s the first target.

"We will be able to achieve that by winning at least one game. If we do stay up, then, of course, we want to go as far as we can.

"I know on paper, it looks as if we’ve had a poor year, but I haven’t had the opportunity to play my full first 15 this year yet and I genuinely believe that when we are at full strength we are a match for any team so I wouldn’t be ruling us out.”

“It’ll be very difficult there is no doubt about that. We are playing two teams from Division One this year."

Micky McGillen, Belcoo

“This year above any other year the intermediate championship is probably as competitive as ever I've seen.

"Anyone of the eight teams can make the semi-final and I'd say six out of the eight teams can win the intermediate championship. It's so competitive.

"But all our focus at the minute will be leading up to our first game against Maguiresbridge. We have a tricky group.

"We've got Tempo who just missed out on promotion and Roslea, we know all about them having played them twice this year."

Shane McDermott, Irvinestown

“Both groups are very strong and there are six or seven teams who all feel that they can win it so that makes it even tougher.

"Both groups are pretty evenly matched, and you have Roslea and Derrylin just down from Division One to make it even harder.

"Our first game is against Lisnaskea at home and that will be a really tough one and then we have St Patrick’s in Donagh is never easy as I know only too well.

"Derrylin will not be easy either as they have been playing at a higher level so every game is going to be a real championship battle.”