Derby games always take on a life of their own so pre-match favourites Erne Gaels would always have been keenly aware of the threat of neighbours Devenish on their hallowed home turf. 

In the end Erne Gaels had a workmanlike 0-12 to 0-09 win before a big crowd as they prepare for a resurgent Derrygonnelly on Saturday week.

Speaking afterwards, Erne Gaels boss Declan Bonner said he was pleased to get another two points on the board.

“There was a big breeze which affected the game in both halves.

“We started well and went 0-05 to 0-01 ahead playing into the breeze and that was a good platform for us.

“Devenish came back well in the second quarter and we were a point up at the break and that was important for us and they maybe needed a few more scores when they had the wind in that first-half.

“They had their spell just before half-time but we managed to add on a few more points just after the break with the wind and that gave us some breathing space.”

He added: “We were 0-07 to 0-04 but they fought hard into the wind and brought it back to two points at different times and we had it put to four points a few times.

“But Devenish never give in and they made us fight all the way in a game where both teams really went for it.

“Shane Rooney was very good for us and we had a reasonable spread of scores which was pleasing.

“It was a good championship game but there is room for improvement and we had two goal chances which we did not convert but it was a satisfactory display overall.”

“We are now looking forward to playing Derrygonnelly to see who gets into the semi-final and that will be quite a task but one that we are looking forward to. 

“We have a strong squad and there is a lot of competition for places."

Devenish joint-manager Marty O’Brien was making no excuses for his side’s defeat.

The ex-county star said: “We played with a strong breeze in the first-half and fell behind as Belleek were much better up to the pace early on and we never really recovered.

“We played better in the second-half but Erne Gaels were able to keep us at arm’s length with the aid of the breeze and some fine form Shane Rooney up front."

He added: “Belleek deserved the win on the day, started well and kept that foothold.

“We were decent in patches but would have needed to string together a period of dominance with a goal or three points and we never got that.

“I suppose we have ourselves to blame with that slow start with a very strong breeze which meant we were always going to be up against it.

‘We’ll regroup now for Ederney and from the start of the campaign we always knew we would need to be looking for a win in the final game so not much has changed from our perspective.

“We are into knockout football and we are ready for it.”