Malone 20 Clogher Valley 24

Clogher began their first AIL 2B campaign with a win away to Malone at Gibson Park at the weekend.

After 12 minutes Malone tried to move the ball wide, but a poor pass went behind their centre. Armstrong, alert as ever, picked up the pass and seeing space kicked long with chasing winger Karl Bothwell, with an exceptional running pick up, was able to dive over for CV opening AIL 2B score. Maxwell converted and Valley led 7-0.

The score stung Malone and they started to dominate the game. Valley were struggling to get any ball as Malone hammered at their line. Only good goal line defence stopped them getting back on terms.

After 19 minutes, Malone's second row found a gap but again CV scramble defence closed the door. However, relief was short-lived as from the resultant scrum Malone again were stopped short of the line. They then moved the ball wide, but Bothwell bundled the winger into touch as he stretched for the line. 

It was a short respite as Malone continued to dominate through their heavier pack.

After 30 minutes the pressure finally told and the Malone centre went over for a converted try to tie the game at a 7-7.

The pressure continued. Valley could not get any possession. It was continual tackle defence.

The Valley scrum was under immense pressure. After 38 minutes, a Malone scrum wheeled and their number eight picked up, found a gap and dived over for a second converted try and a 7-14 lead.

At half time, it appeared as if the game was going to get away from Valley. The tackle count was enormous, and they could not get sufficient possession to relieve the pressure or use their dangerous backs.

They had also lost two keys forwards through injury. The second half started as the first had ended with Malone on attack.

However, Valley were now getting some possession, and on 48 minutes, a searing break by Maxwell put Taine Haire in space.

It seemed a certain try, but the Malone winger recovered and was able to make a try-saving tackle.

Valley continued to throw the ball around. Both forwards and backs were now passing the ball out of contact, and it was creating spaces in the Malone defence.

After 52 minutes a phase of recycling looked as if it would stop when a pass to Russell arrived with Malone defenders.

However a sublime reverse pass saw the ball continue through the hands and eventually Callum Smyton was able to exploit the gap for a try, again converted by Maxwell and a 14-14 score line.

The game now became a midfield battle with neither side able to get the breakthrough.

After 65 minutes, a high tackle gave Malone a penalty which they kicked to lead 17-14.

Minutes later Clogher were awarded a long-range penalty, after a Russell turnover, which Maxwell kicked, and the teams were tied again at 17-17.

It was not long before Malone were back in front 20-17 with a penalty in front of the posts.

After 72 minutes a long-range penalty to CV saw the decision to “go for the win” rather than the draw.

Man of the match Maxwell kicked deep into Malone 22 for the line out. Throughout the game, the Valley line out managed to secure their own ball and they did again.

A driving maul saw the ball moved to Crawford at the back. He spun clear and crossed for a try converted by Maxwell and a 24-20 lead going into the closing minutes.

Malone could not respond as Clogher kept them at arm’s length deep in their own half and the game petered out for a well-deserved away side victory.

Next week sees Wanderers at the Cran in a 14.30 kick-off.